

Corporate Leadership - Narrative and Presentation Coaching

Susan Klein has the answer. A world class storyteller in her own right, Susan leads by example. She shows us how to relay powerful narratives with no props or PowerPoint. Instead, she helps us 'see' the story, enter the room, interact with the characters in a deep and appreciative way, and revel in the moment she describes. And then she shows all of us how to tap into our authentic voices so we can deliver the same connected experience for others — in a matter of hours.

- Dave Viotti, Fuse Corp Founder &
Judy Issokson, Executive Coach and former Fuse Corps faculty

Susan is both the special ingredient and the secret weapon of an impactful leadership program.

- Dave Viotti, Fuse Corp Founder &
Judy Issokson, Executive Coach and former Fuse Corps faculty

Susan shows us how to step back from what we think people want to hear to our own individual place of purpose and passion.

- Dave Viotti, Fuse Corp Founder &
Judy Issokson, Executive Coach and former Fuse Corps faculty

Susan is an extraordinary teacher and role model. A "story whisperer," she is remarkable in the speed and care through which she empowers everyone to give engaging and connected communications.

- Dave Viotti, Fuse Corp Founder &
Judy Issokson, Executive Coach and former Fuse Corps faculty


"Susan Klein’s storytelling is the kind of art that could change the world.”

– Martha’s Vineyard Times

"Your presence and depth at the national Storytelling Festival left a profound impression on me.”

– Festival listener

Story Wisdom™ Coaching and Consultation

“I continue to feel extremely lucky for the quality of attention and acuity of perception you brought to my coaching session.“

– Nancer Ballard

“I am indebted to your wisdom.”

– Sandy Oglesby – storyteller

“To work with Susan Klein is to accept a philosophy of storytelling and of artistry. This philosophy demands that you be your best and that you produce the highest quality work of which you are capable. Careful self examination, rigorous crafting of material, and a commitment to excellence are the hallmarks of her ethic.”

-Liz Warren, storyteller

“I really appreciated the insight, encouragement and your Always Gentle Way of pushing us forward on both the new and old material.”

-Steven Henegar, storyteller and former chair of the National Storytelling Network board

“Spice of Life” Memoir Workshop

“What a wonderful time we had. It was great to get people connecting, communicating and sharing their amazing memories. The participants haven’t stopped gabbing and reminiscing since they left the tent!”

– Gretchen Rehak, Program Chair, MV Camp Meeting Association